Level 1A 8:00pm (AEDT) Sebastian (8 weeks)

Each of these courses goes for 8 weeks (1 class per week) and is at the same time each week as the first class.

Our level 1A course is designed for total beginners.

We will teach you many useful phrases and expressions, especially if you are thinking of travelling in a Spanish speaking country.

Not only that, but it will give you much of the fundamental grammar of the language, and get you speaking from day one!

Here is what you will learn:

The Alphabet

First up you will learn the Spanish alphabet, comparing the sounds of Spanish with those of English. You will learn some basic and essential vocabulary at the same time to get you speaking in Spanish only minutes after having started your first class!  We will try to make you independent from the teacher as soon as possible!

Regular verbs with ar, er, ir and Professions

By introducing yourself in Spanish you will learn the conjugations of the regular verbs: the foundation of this language.

Cardinal numbers, the verbs PODER (can), QUERER (want) and DAR (give)

Practice going shopping for fruits and vegetables and anything else you may need.  Here we also teach phrases for requesting things while purchasing or asking for favours.

Tener (To have)

Learn this important verb by giving your age (in Spanish we say “I have 20 years” instead of “I am twenty”) and expressing basic physical needs like being hungry, thirsty, sleepy, hot etc… (Again – in Spanish we say “I have hunger” rather than “I am hungry” – see: you’re learning already!)

The verb QUERER

The verb “to want”. Very useful in many different situations!

The verbs: Ser, Estar and Hay (impersonal form of the verb Haber)

The verb Estar

Learn to give conditions and physical locations of people, places, things, as well as finding specific places by following directions.

October 26 @ 18:30
18:30 — 20:00 (1h 30′)



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