Level 2 5:00pm (AEDT) Sebastian (8 weeks)

Each of these courses goes for 8 weeks (1 class per week) and is at the same time each week as the first class.

¡Felicidades! ¡Enhorabuena! Congratulations! 

By this point you have a solid idea of the foundation of the language and you are ready to start getting into it in more depth.

If we have had the pleasure of having you in level 1, or if you have travelled and learnt some vocabulary but you still can’t put all those different bits and pieces into a coherent sentence, then now’s the time to put it all together!

You have studied so hard and triumphed over the battle of the verb conjugations, you have plenty of vocabulary and your pronunciation of ‘r’ is getting better every day, so why is it so hard to put these things into a phrase that works?

Don’t panic or get disappointed in your studies so far, for this is in fact a good sign: you are forcing yourself to think in Spanish a little bit more each time and you are facing more complex structures in a very natural way.

Not enough consolation? You want to speak better?

Then take your needle and thread as this level will give you the tricks to string together that elusive speech.

As we all know: “There is an exception to every rule” (Annoying, but true). In level 2 you may find lots of irregularities. Don’t let them intimidate you. You have to realise that you are no longer a beginner, which besides sounding so good when you say it, also means that you are most likely experiencing moments of frustration when trying to speak.

But, you are just a step away from producing a perfect sentence without angst!

It doen’t mean that you are not learning but the oppposite!

¡Vamos! ¡Tú puedes!

What you will learn in this level:


Getting to know our classmates by a quick review of level 1.  Giving personal information and asking our classmates for theirs to then introduce them to the class.

Perífrasis Ir + a + Verbo en infinitivo (going to.  Near future)

Talking about our plans for the week end .

Perífrasis Ir + a + Verbo en infinitivo (going to.  Near future) + brief introdution to direct and indirect pronouns.  Uses of TRAER(to bring), LLEVAR(to take)

Preparing a party, deciding who is going to bring what.

Perífrasis Tener + que + Verbo en Infinitivo (Have to)

Inviting our classmates to do something with them.  Acepting and turning down invitations with excuses.

Perífrasis Hay + que (let’s…/One has to…)

Talking about what’s customary or advisable to do or not to do in a country we are visiting.

The verb Gustar (to like) and verbs that require indirect object pronouns to complete their meaning.

Expressing likes in dislikes in music and in general.

Chatting with friends giving points of view on diferent topics.

Interrogatives adverbs.

Review for the correct construction of questions.


Getting to know the most common exceptions to the rule of gender.

Direct Object + Indirect Object

Use of both pronouns to avoid repetion on speech or compleating the meaning of verbs.  Reading and understanding a recipe,

An introdution to Prepositions

How to use them when followed by a personal pronoun and usuful phrases with them, like a coffee to take away please.

The Verbs Saber and Conocer (to know)

Talking about our abilities, people we know or we have met and places we have visited.

How to take a taxi.

Comparatives and superlatives

Comparing hotels, cities, countries and artists.

Stem changing verbs.

Getting familiarized with verbs that have a change in their stem when congugated.  Like PEDIR, QUERER, DORMIR.  Using just intuition to distinguish the three different changes and when they are requiered.

Negative sentences.

Correct use of adverbs NADA, TAMPOCO, NINGÚN etc…

Renting a video and a hotel room.

October 26 @ 18:30
18:30 — 20:00 (1h 30′)



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